
Newsletter 2018

Happy New Year!! 

May 2018 be a more successful year for the animals and may it be a healthy and prosperous year for you. We have started the year with a bang, thanks to Saints Animal Charity Shop who donated an amazing R101 641.00. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all at the Saints shop and also to everyone who spring cleaned throughout the year and donated their unwanted clothes, shoes, books, furniture etc that were sold to raise funds on our behalf. We hope we can rely on you to beat that amount this year. All you have to do is clean out your homes, pack everything in plastic bags and call us and we’ll do the rest including the collecting.

This month saw us finally realise our dream of putting a fully equipped mobile clinic on the road. Not only will this allow us to help so many more animals in need but we’ll be able to do all the treatments and surgeries on the doorsteps of our patients. This mobile clinic will further prevent thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens ending up in shelters or abused and neglected and ultimately euthanized.

World Spay Day is celebrated on the last Tuesday of February. This year it falls on the 27th February. This day was introduced by the Humane Society to shine a spotlight on the power of affordable sterilizations. Together with Claw we will be hosting a sterilization day with the aim of sterilizing 50 dogs from the different Townships we support. By sterilizing just one dog you prevent 67 000 more animals from being born. That’s thousands of unwanted dogs and cats stopped from roaming the streets and living a life of neglect. Every year, we invite vets to come on board and sterilise at least two animals for us, at their own cost and this has been a huge success so far. If you know of any vets that will be willing to get involved, in this wonderful initiative, please let us know.

We still have one kitty left to home. She is the last of her friends and can’t wait to make a family happy. Ebony has been tested negative for FIV and FeLV and has a lovely nature. Please share with friends and family and help us find a home for her.

Please consider giving up your afternoon cappuccino to help our furry friends in our care. The average cost of a tall cappuccino is R28, times that by your weekly craving and its R196. A monthly stop order of just R50 would ensure one animal gets vaccinated and dewormed in the communities we work. A contribution of R75 would in addition enable us to treat for ticks and fleas and a contribution of R350 per month would ensure all of the above and enable us to sterilise as well. Please consider signing a debit order or giving a donation to help us continue making a difference in so many animals’ lives. I have attached a debit order form should you be interested in helping.

And last but not least. Please don’t forget to SMS Allies to 38365. The SMS costs R10 and will help improve the life of the animals we all love so much.

Want to Help?

Call Karen on 076 5115 451
Or email us at