About Animal Allies

Animal Allies, a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 095505), was started in January 2010. Armed with traps, nets and little experience we embarked on our first feral cat capture.


Our goal was to trap, neuter and release (TNR) as well as vaccinate, feral cats around Gauteng, thus preventing the spread of certain diseases as well as overpopulation.


While we focused on feral cats people approached us on a daily basis to help with sterilisation's and veterinary care in poorer communities. Thousands of animals live in and amongst the poorest community settlements and have limited or no access to veterinary services. The result is untold suffering. This led us to our first sterilisation campaign in September 2011, where we dewormed, vaccinated and sterilised close to 600 dogs and cats free of charge.


There are so many abused, abandoned and suffering animals that desperately need help. We have realised that the only way to end this is through education and sterilization. By focusing on these we are hoping to decrease the amount of suffering, unwanted animals and subsequently reduce the euthanasia rate.


Each animal that is saved from brutality, neglect and starvation is a victory for us in our objective of preventing cruelty to animals.


In September 2013, we embarked on another sterilization and education campaign in Honeydew Squatter Camp, where we are still active on a daily basis. This campaign started off very slowly but through trust and education, gained momentum and we are currently sterilizing, vaccinating and deworming up to 20 animals per week. Every animal treated from this area receives a food parcel as well as a collar and leash and a kennel and the children are rewarded with a sweet pack. Included in the pack is an educational leaflet explaining the basic care of their animals. Most people living in the Honeydew Squatter camp are either unemployed or earning insufficient funds to supply veterinary care and food for their animals and are reliant on Animal Allies to do this.


In 2014 we extended this program into the Eskom Squatter Camp and on the 22nd May 2016, after numerous calls for help from the people in Katlehong, we held our first vaccination and sterilization day, where we vaccinated, dewormed and dipped over 500 animals and managed to sterilize 72 dogs and 12 cats. We are the only organistion in all these informal settlements educating the people and treating and sterilizing the animals, alleviating so much suffering.


All treatments and sterilizations are done free of charge in all 3 informal settlements.


January 2018 saw us put a fully equipped mobile clinic on the road. Not only will this allow us to help so many more animals but we’ll be able to do all the treatments and surgeries on the door steps of our patients. This means we’ll be able to expand our services to other provinces. This mobile clinic will further prevent thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens ending up in shelters, being abused and euthanized. When you think that one unsterilized female and male dog and their offspring, over a six-year period are responsible for the births of 67000 dogs and one male and female cat and their offspring are responsible for the births of 420000 cats over that same period its clear why sterilization is essential and the only way we will combat the overpopulation crisis.


To date we have sterilized, vaccinated and dewormed over 24 613 dogs and cats that won't be contributing to the overpopulation crisis. Every animal guardian has been educated and now knows that help is just a phone call away.


Inspirational founder and voice for the voiceless, mover and shaker and an all-round angel in the animal kingdom


Co-founder and comforter, universal protector and dedicated giver to all furry friends


Expert cat trapper AKA the cat whisperer and animal savior of Zandspruit and Eskom/Lion Park


Manager, expert bottle feeder and all round nurturer of our four legged friends


Animal hero and the “doctor” do-little of Katlehong Township

Drop Off Points

If you would like to drop off a donation, be it dog food or those clothes that you no longer wear please see the drop off points below


Our work helping local animals is only made possible through the generous support and donations we receive.

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Donate Via SMS

SMS “Allies” to 38365.
SMSes cost R10 per sms on all SA Networks. Free minutes do not apply.


152, Johannesburg Road, Lyndhurst 2192

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