Katlehong Events

Katlehong Vaccination Campaign Day, 16 Sepember 2024

Even though we are in the township every day owners tend to forget to update their pets’ vaccinations. That’s why we try and hold vaccination days so that we can do that. We are grateful to the State vets that assisted us with the many animals that were lined up. Every animal was seen to and went home with a bag a food.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day, 22 July 2019

We celebrated a belated Mandela Day in Katlehong and what a great day it was! Despite the cold we were met with queues of people waiting to have their pets sterilized.

As Nelson Mandela said “There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return” a HUGE thank you Dr Marike Calitz, Dr JP Visser and Zweli from Oaklands Veterinary Clinic and the Blue Bush Animal Clinic team Dr Natasha Catherine Miles, vet nurses Angela Voyiatzakis and Samantha Ross and Leah and of course all our volunteers, we salute you and THANK YOU for living these words and making the world a better place for 60 animals.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day, 20 September 2018

Wow, what a day, 40 animals were sterilised in total - all these animals were also fully vaccinated, treated for ticks and fleas and dewormed.

We are extremely grateful to all that were involved for making this day a success.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day, 20 August 2017

An amazing total of 52 animals were sterilised. We hope this will make a huge difference in preventing many unwanted litters. We handed out food and collars and leases and everyone went home with a smile on their faces. We couldn’t be prouder of ourselves. Thank you once again to our wonderful volunteers for taking the time to come out and assist us.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day, 2 April 2017

We decided to hold another sterilisation campaign in Katlehong as the need is huge. We were there early to set up as we’ve learnt from previous experiences, it can be a long day. But in the end, all went well, and we managed to sterilise 42 dogs and15 cats. Thank you to everyone for another successful day.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day 3, 27 November 2016

On the 20th of November we held our third on site sterilisation campaign in Katlehong.

Having gained experience from the first two, we were organised and ready to go by 8am. An amazing 102 animals were sterilised and hundreds more vaccinated, dewormed and dipped.

THANK YOU Bromhof Veterinary Clinic, all the vets, vet nurses, AWA’s and volunteers who helped out!! A big thank you also goes to all our sponsors who donated food, blankets and medication, we really appreciate your support

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign Day 2, 21 August 2016

On the 21st of August we held our 2nd onsite sterilization day in Katlehong. This day was a great success, having learnt from the first day.Three stations were set up – one for vaccinations and deworming, one for sterilisations and the last one for treatments. We arrived at Thabotona Primary School at 7.30am in order to clear the classrooms, and set up the tables so the vets could start at 8.00. By the time we were ready the queues had stretched to beyond the gates. People waited patiently to have their beloved pets attended to. All in all we vaccinated and dewormed over 400 animals, sterilized 55 dogs and 49 cats and treated another 30 animals. Nine puppies were surrendered and three dogs removed. It was a hectic but rewarding day, knowing we had all made a difference to so many animals’ lives. A HUGE thank you goes to the amazing team at Bromhof Veterinary Clinic for choosing to partner with us and organizing this day. Thank you also to all the volunteers who woke up when it was still dark to come through and assist and did not stop until it was dark again.

Katlehong Sterilisation Campaign, 22 May 2016

On the 22nd of May we held our first ever onsite sterilisation day. This was all thanks to Dr Le-Anne Kleynhans of Bromhof Veterinary Clinic, who offered to do this for us free of charge. This is our latest project we would like to introduce you to – Katlehong Township. The day was to begin at 8am with the hope of sterilising 80 animals. We arrived to dogs, cats and people waiting for the assistance they so badly needed and longed for. Before we knew it there were more than sixty dogs and 15 cats on our sterilisation list and they just kept coming in. We, unfortunately, had to stop at seventy-two dogs and 12 cats but we continued to vaccinate, deworm and spray the over 500 dogs and 50 cats. The whole experience was extremely overwhelming for everyone and we were all very happy with the success of the campaign.