Honeydew Events

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 2 December 2023

It was good to be back in Zandspruit as we ending the year with a vaccination day there. As usual we vaccinated, applied tick and flea products and seen to a few animals that needed treatment. All in all, it was a good day. Thank you to Santa Paws for Cause for donating the buckets of food, we are always extremely grateful. And to our team and wonderful volunteers for taking the time to assist us.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 5 December 2022


Zandspruit - an “informal settlement” close to Honeydew was the venue for our final vaccination day. It’s an area we work in regularly and can proudly say is one that is well managed as we assist if we are allowed to sterilise pets - the result is that this area’s population of dogs and cats is under control. We know and love this community - we have educated and worked with its members to achieve outstanding results. This vaccination day ended off with a bucket (not a bang!) and each attendee left with much needed food for the festive period courtesy of Santa Cause for Paws - thank you for thinking of us yet again!

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 4 December 2021

Our final two vaccination days were held in Lions Park and Zandspruit where we vaccinated, dewormed and treated animals for ticks and fleas. There were a few animals that required further treatments, nail clipping and “grooming”.

Thank you so much to Santa Cause for Paws for the incredible donation of dog and cat food, which was the highlight of the day for so many.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 2 December 2020

We held our first and final vaccination day for the animals of Zandspruit on Saturday. The cold and rainy weather did not keep the people away. We vaccinated 228 dogs and 12 cats.

A big thank you to Santa Cause for Paws for brightening the day with the amazing food donation which put a wag in every dogs tail.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 19 December 2019

By the time we arrived at 7:00am queues of dogs, with their guardians, had formed around the area in which we operate. Zandspruit has a larger number of residents compared to Eskom so there are a lot more dogs and cats. Again, we were ready to start at 7:30 and by the time we packed up, 248 dogs and 12 cats had been vaccinated, dewormed and treated for ticks and fleas. We handed out 186 gift packs and every dog went home with a bucket of food. This is what life’s all about, putting smiles on children’s and animal’s faces.

Honeydew Vaccination Day 2, 8 December 2018

We held our final vaccination day for 2018 on Saturday the 8th of December in Zandspruit. It was an extremely busy morning as we attended to over three hundred animals. Santa Cause for Paws joined us and ensured that every sterilized animal left with a bucket of food, treats, collars and leashes. Thank you, Santa Cause for Paws, for making each animal feel extra special.

A big thank you goes to Emthojeni Community Centre, who always accommodates us, and this year donated Christmas tins with treats for the dogs.

To our volunteers, without whom we would not have managed the long queues of dogs and cats, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 12 May 2018

This weekend we vaccinated 121 dogs and 12 cats. We treated an additional 8 dogs.

Plus, we handed out of food, we lost count of the number of collars we gave as many dogs were on horrible and heavy chains, we had to help them.

A big bonus is time spent educating animal owners on responsible pet ownership

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 9 December 2017

We arranged another day to vaccinate dogs and cats in Zandspruit. These are big days in the informal settlements, and they allow us to update vaccinations and attend to any new additions.  They also afford us the opportunity to check all the animals and to further educate pet owners on how to look after their animals.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 24 June 2017

We arrived to find dogs with their owners waiting patiently to be seen to. After setting up everything we began and by the end of the morning vaccinated, treated for fleas and ticks and dewormed a total of 250 dogs and cats. Thank you to Santa Cause for Paws for the buckets of dog and puppy food that we were able to hand out. To Amrod, thank you for the gift packs we wrapped for the kids. Everyone went home happy including their pets.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 5 December 2016

Our last vaccination day of the year was held in Zandspruit squatter camp in Honeydew on the 5th of December.

Thank you so much Santa Cause for Paws for once again choosing us as a beneficiary and for bringing so much joy to the people and animals of Zandspruit.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 6 June 2016

We held our 6th vaccination day at Zandspruit on Saturday 18th June and as usual were met by dozens of animals, despite the cold weather.

Every animal went home with a bucket of food, and a new collar & leash.

Thank you to all our amazing volunteers who joined us and helped the queues move so quickly.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 5 December 2015

Yet another successful day at Zandspruit Squatter Camp where we were joined by Santa Cause for Paws who handed out presents for the animals.

Thank you once again to all the wonderful volunteers that always make time to come out and help.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 15 August 2015

On Saturday the 15th of August 2015, we held our 5th vaccination day at Honeydew Squatter camp.

It was hectic as usual but thanks to our volunteers we managed to get through the day.

We vaccinated, dewormed and sprayed animals. Once again a big thank you goes to Hills and to Liz from Speedyroofing for the wonderful food donation; to Zoetis for the deworming tabs; Totally Kosher for once again donating cupcakes for the kids; to Elaine for the beautiful photos and dog food; to Dr Taryn Bright for always making herself available on our vaccination days; to our wonderful volunteers, Margie, Brett, Bertus, Cindy, Charde, Courtney and family, Sandra & Blake, Kabelo and the boys and to everyone else who contributed in any way

Honeydew Vaccination Day 2, 15 February 2014

We had a second Vaccination Day in Honeydew. We saw to the remainder of animals we didn’t get to see the previous time we were there. Once again we vaccinated, dewormed and sprayed for ticks and fleas an abundance of animals. We also treated some sick dogs. It was another great successful day!!

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 26 October 2013

Armed with cupcakes, cold drinks and vaccination vials, we arrived at the crack of dawn. The Honeydew residents arrived with their pets and all in all 250 animals were vaccinated. All animals received a new collar and leash and a bucket of food. We are still actively involved in this area, having sterilised 122 dogs and cats, and will continue with this project in the new year.

Honeydew Vaccination Day, 26 October 2013

Armed with cupcakes, cold drinks and vaccination vials, we arrived at the crack of dawn. The Honeydew residents arrived with their pets and all in all 250 animals were vaccinated. All animals received a new collar and leash and a bucket of food. We are still actively involved in this area, having sterilised 122 dogs and cats, and will continue with this project in the new year.