Eskom Events

Eskom Vaccination Day, 9 December 2023

The flowing weekend we visited the Eskom township to update and vaccinate their pets. It was also a day well spent as there were no issues, and everything ran smoothly. All the cats and dogs were vaccinated and treated for ticks and fleas. And they went home with food. We look forward to the next one.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 28 November 2022

On Saturday we spent a very rewarding and successful morning in Eskom Informal settlement vaccinating, deworming and treating animals for ticks and fleas.

We saw over 200 dogs and very proud to say each and every one had already been sterilised this is a result of working with the community.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 20 November 2021

We held another vaccination day at Eskom and the were met by a grateful community. A big thank you again to Worldwide Veterinary Service - WVS for the Advantage donation, which we haven’t stopped using, treating dogs with terrible flea infestations. What a relief for us knowing we can provide for the dogs, and for the dogs who finally have some relief.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 8 December 2020

One of the hardest things for us during lockdown levels 5 through to 2, was the scaling back of our vaccination days.

With Level 1 allowing a little more freedom, we loved being back in Lions Park this past weekend and are thrilled to report that we were able to vaccinate, deworm and treat for ticks and fleas 141 dogs and 8 cats.

Apart from the importance of basic veterinary care and vaccination against dread diseases, these days help us reach a wider community. Allowing us to check up on general overall health, an opportunity to educate and to sign up more pets for sterilization.

Thank you so much to all our wonderful supporters, this would not be possible without your kindness

Eskom Vaccination Day, 12 December 2019

We held our final vaccination day for 2019 in Lions Park. We vaccinated just over 400 dogs and 21 cats. Thank you Santa Cause for Paws for once again choosing us as a beneficiary and for the incredible donation of 350 dog food buckets and 50 cat food buckets. Amrod, you ensured every child that came to our vaccination days left with a Christmas gift and for that we could not be more grateful - thank you. Finally thank you to our wonderful volunteers and sponsors that make these days possible

Eskom Vaccination Day 2, 8 December 2018

SUCH AN AMAZING OUTREACH IN ESKOM as we end the year with our annual vaccination campaign. It was a huge success as owners left with a bag of food and happy healthy pets. We are always extremely grateful to our supporters that help with donations towards these days.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 23 May 2018

Our Vaccination Days provide preventive primary veterinary care and mostly covers vaccinations, deworming, treating for ticks and fleas, nail cutting, wound care and basic treatments.  We attended to 98 dogs and 6 cats, thanks to everyone that took part in this much needed initiative.

Eskom Vaccination Day 2, 2 December 2017

What an amazing day it was on Saturday at Eskom Squatter Camp. There was a good turnover of cats and dogs. We managed to vaccinate 115 dogs and 10 cats. Most were already vaccinated and just came for dewormer and spray for ticks and fleas. We are so grateful to our wonderful sponsors and the volunteers that came through.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 25 June 2017

We arrived at 7:00am to find dogs with their guardians waiting patiently for their vaccinations and treatments.  We saw our first patient at 7:30 and by the end of the morning, we had vaccinated, treated for fleas and ticks, and dewormed a total of 159 dogs and 7 cats. This included the 8 dogs who were treated for sore limbs and wounds. In addition to this we handed out 125 gift packs.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 28 November 2016

Saturday the 28th we held another vaccination day at Eskom Squatter camp, where we were met by anxious owners waiting with their pets. It’s amazing what a little TLC and education can do to change lives of so many animals, and even if we say so ourselves, there’s been a vast improvement in the animals we care for. Thanks again to everyone that came through and volunteered their time making it a rewarding and successful day.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 21 May 2016

The weekend of the 21st and 22nd of May proved to be our busiest and most rewarding weekend. It kicked off with another vaccination day on the 21st in Eskom Squatter camp. As usual, we were met by dog and cat owners in the hundreds for their follow up vaccinations, dip/spray and deworming. There has been a great improvement in the condition of their pets and always nice to see less and fewer mums with puppies here. As I’m sure you are all aware our main focus is the prevention of sickness and disease, treatment and sterilisation so it’s really nice to see hard work paying off. Thank you once again to everyone that made a donation and to our wonderful volunteers who are always available and ready to help.

Eskom Vaccination Day, 28 November 2015

Our Vaccination Day on the 28th of November in the Eskom Squatter Camp was a huge success. Animals of all shapes and sizes arrived for their treatment. We vaccinated, dewormed and sprayed 198 dogs and 7 cats. Food and collars were given to the animals’ guardians and the children enjoyed sweet packs and cupcakes. As a matter of the fact the queue for sweets was twice as long as the one for vaccinations.